We need representatives in Germany for full and part-time jobs (2 positions are available). We do not ask for any money, we are reputable company.
You will get:
- 3000 EUR guaranteed monthly income
- Comprehensive medical and life insurance for you and your dependents. You
will be receiving an Heins Heritage Inc. Medicine card and all the paperwork in
2 weeks after successfully completing your probation period.
You have to be honest,loyal, responsible and hard-working.
You have to comply with all reasonable and lawful instructions provided to
you by our company.
You need 5-7 hours during the week for communication (part-time); 4-5 hours a day (full-time).
Residential address to receive correspondence (if any).
Computer w/internet connection.
Please, reply to support at heinsheritage.com if you are interested and I will send you job details.
Heins Heritage Inc.
Urgent Atenttion from paul
From sir paul pTTERSON <sirc36@excite.com>:
Urgent Atenttion from paul
Accountant General
Good day and best wishes in all your endeavors. It gives me great
privilege to contact you of a possible chance that has been swimming on my
desk in a possibility of soliciting with a foreign partner who is eager
to work things out to enhance a great diversity of fund that has been
trapped down in our financial institution due to untimely death of
Mr.Chiko Dromun from Taiwan, whom we lost due to the tragedy in the tsunami
I seek this chance as I am about to retire from the bank to ask for
your support to acquit this fund. As the accountant general of the bank, I
can be able to provide the necessary documents needed and the proof
needed with legally backed for you to be the Next of Kin of the deceased
only by your interest.
This fund when finally cleared by the bank to you as the Next of Kin
and transferred to any of your nominated bank chosen for sharing among
us, I will agree to make it a 50/50 share with you, for your support,
morally and otherwise, as I am now on the verge of my retirement from the
I strongly look forward to hearing from you as i will make every
arrangement of this transaction to be 100% risk free and secured
Looking forward to hear from you URGENTLY.
From Multiply News (multiply@multiply.com) :
==========WHAT'S NEW==========
New this month is an easy way to get people to your Multiplypage. Just create a custom Multiply Badge and display itproudly on any web site or in your e-mail signature -- clickhere to try it out!http://multiply.com/gus/promote
We also recently unveiled a sleek new look, extra optionsfor customizing your message board and easy embedding ofimages outside of Multiply. But that's not all. Since Multiply is a lot more fun when more of the people youknow use it, we've introduced an easy way to quickly find outwhich of your friends and family are already on Multiply, soyou can connect with them and see all the great stuff you'vebeen missing! Check it out now:http://multiply.com/find For a full run-down an all of our new features, see:http://multiply.multiply.com/journal/item/143
=============FROM OUR BLOG=============
This month on our staff blog saw us taking a look at a fewolder features...
that are just as useful these days! First up was Threaded viewing of comments, which helps youmake sense of even the most in-depth and wordy conversationthreads on Multiply:http://multiply.multiply.com/journal/item/139 Then, we had a look at Advanced Posting, enabling powerusers to get quite in-depth with certain parts of Multiply:http://multiply.multiply.com/journal/item/141 Finally, we showcased the Multiply screensaver, whichautomatically brings the latest photos from your networkright to your desktop:http://multiply.multiply.com/journal/item/142 =============OUR USERS SAY============= "Thank you so much for what you do. I appreciate it because I am able to keep in touch not just with friends within the Philippines, but also with relatives and friends from all over. Our world has gotten much smaller because of Multiply. We so appreciate it." -Paolo (punzalan) If you would rather not receive e-mail newsletters likethis, we understand. Just log in to Multiply and updateyour E-Mail Alerts page:http://multiply.com/setup/alerts You can read our privacy policy at:http://multiply.com/info/privacy Multiply Inc, 6001 Park of Commerce BlvdBoca Raton, FL 33487, USA
From myself:
we email advertise your charity web site to 7,500,000 people. free.
These spammer spent all day sending messages to 7,500,000 people... They work hard
Sute are the same spammers of permissionemailcorpcom and theemailbroadcastingcompany.com
About these spammers:
Another site from this spammers:
emailmarketingassociates.com, emailbroadcastauthority.com
we email advertise your charity web site to 7,500,000 people. free.
These spammer spent all day sending messages to 7,500,000 people... They work hard
Sute are the same spammers of permissionemailcorpcom and theemailbroadcastingcompany.com
About these spammers:
Name... liu feng
Address guang zhou
Address guang zhou
Address 321000
Address GD
Address CN
Email.. admin@advertisingemailcorporation.com
Phone.. +86.20321000232
Another site from this spammers:
emailmarketingassociates.com, emailbroadcastauthority.com
emilytools at hotmail dot com
From DialquintillayEUNICE@nmekqdmdqporrq.com:
Aman with a intelligent hot mind.... that's me.... I think so..
a quick discussion with a intelligenthot man like you might just be thething to cheer me upmy MsnMesenger is emilytools@hotmail.com it would be quite god if you would AddMe
Aman with a intelligent hot mind.... that's me.... I think so..
From SmilesjuniagSalena@am.com:
A girl who wants me??? am i hot???.... this is an incredible spam
from what i have seen of you, you are hot and i want to party with you i amonly on msnmessnger emily86hudson@hotmail.com
A girl who wants me??? am i hot???.... this is an incredible spam

Paul Gregoire is sending spam with news from trucknews.com.
At the end of the message Paul Gregoire ad a link to expqoasamiigo.com .
This guy is getting more clever... I don't know
About this spammer:
Name: paul gregoire
Address: 175 Montreal Road
vanier, on K1L 6E4
Email Address: gregoirep@coldmail.ca
Phone Number: (613)255-2162
Another sites from this spammer:
spodfofdeo.com, amosmioos.com, antchouuse.com ,taluutyuch.com, rhinass.com, scdriverz.com, watcertkeeasy.com, receitvvlles.com

This domain embed information from nowfall.org.
All pics and information are from fo1822hv.nowfall.org
nowfall.org pertains to :
Name:Chuyi ZHU
Organization:Chuyi ZHU
Street:379 West Yingze Boulevard
Postal Code:030024
Chuyi ZHU is a top spammer.
If do you have any photo of this man you must publish that photograph.
About pillasap.org:
Name:Chuyi ZHU
Organization:Chuyi ZHU
Street:379 West Yingze Boulevard
Postal Code:030024
Email: vince_stebbi@hotmail.com
Another site with the same technique:
pillabc.org, pilldirect.org, medsnet.org, pilletc.org,rx123.org, meds4us.org, rxsupport.org, top10rx.org, rxcare.org, 365rx.org, meds500.org, viprx.org, rxmap.org, rxgps.org, rxbrands.org, rxtop200.org, plan4rx.org
From Mark Gertz <Steven@nisr.com>
More spammers who wants make me rich. This from Latvia... I don't know...
My name is Mark Gertz, I represent GERTZ DEVELOPMENT company located in Latvia.
Our company is seekeing for a representatives in Spain for full-time and part-time jobs. This is not spam and we will not ask any money from you.
Your minimal income will be 4000 EUR a month in average and you will be paid DAILY.
No relocation required, job duties include mail and payments processing, standart office duties and everyday reporting.
All candidates have to be 18+ years old, authorized to work in Spain, with minimal computer knowlege. Both part-time (2-3 days a week) and full time (5 days a week)
positions available.
Please, e-mail back to support@gertzdevelopment.com if you are interested and I will send you company requirements.
Mark Gertz
More spammers who wants make me rich. This from Latvia... I don't know...
These people spam me sometimes with thiers ads selling spamming all the world.
Their favourite phrase is:
We send your email ad to 10,000,000+ people daily!
I think I am one of that 10 million people....
P.S.: It is the same company I talked about it sometime ago.... theemailbroadcastingcompany.com
we email advertise your charity web site to 7,500,000 people. free.
These people spam me sometimes with thiers ads selling spamming all the world.
Their favourite phrase is:
We send your email ad to 10,000,000+ people daily!
I think I am one of that 10 million people....
P.S.: It is the same company I talked about it sometime ago.... theemailbroadcastingcompany.com
(044) 233 46 69
28 февpаля, г. Kиев
(044) 233 46 69 , 237 9O O5
Спoнcoр "Meдиа-пaртнер - всеуkраинский журнал по cтроительству и peмoнту "Cтpoйся!"
Pазвитие стpoитeльнoй деятельности вeдeт не тoльkо к увeличeнию kоличества kвадpaтныx метpoв, нo и к усложнeнию взаимоотношeний между ее учаcтниkами.
Посетив данный cеминар, вы получите возмoжнoсть узнaть o пoследних новинkax законодательства, альтеpнaтивных возмoжноcтях пoстроения взаимоотнoшений между зaкaзчиками,
подрядчиkами и инвеcтoрами, плaны мecтных властей по застрoйке города.
B прoгpамме семинарa:
• Земельное зakонодaтельство и практика егo пpимeнeния в aспектe гpадостpоитeльcтва.
• Оснoвaния и пoрядoк преkращения прaва cобствeннoсти или пoльзoвания зeмельным учacтком.
• Юpидичесkие oсновы и зakoнноcть пpиобpетения земельных учaстков несельсkохозяйствeннoгo нaзнaчeния для оcуществления пpeдпpинимaтельской дeятeльноcти.
• Чтo такoe пpаво земельнoго cepвитута и eгo cодержaние.
• Порядоk отвода земeльныx участков в г. Киeве под новое стpoительcтвo.
• Пoрядок рaзpaботки, согласования и утверждeния пpоеkтной дoкумeнтации для строительства oбъектoв в г. Киeве.
• Правила зaстрoйkи г. Киевa: aнaлиз ключевых моментов Правил зaстройки г. Киевa; оcoбенности столичных Пpавил застрoйkи по сpавнению с Типовыми региональными пpaвилaми
зacтройки; пpaктика pеaлизaции положений Пpaвил зaстpойки г. Киeва.
• Порядоk подгoтовки paзрeшитeльных дoкумeнтoв под стpоительcтво, kакиx либo oбъеkтoв на cвоей территoрии.
• Порядок офоpмления малых аpxитekтуpныx фоpм в г. Киеве.
• Ocнoвaния, порядок и cубъeкты пpивлeчения к oтвeтcтвенности за нaрушeния гpaдоcтpoительного зaконодатeльства.
• Закoнoдательные и нормaтивные акты в сферe гpадocтpоительства.
• Гeнepальный план города Киева.
• Оxpанные зoны гоpодa и особенности прoектиpовaния в них.
• Практиkа рacсмотpeния cудебных споров в сфеpе градострoительcтвa
Геленa Ковальсkaя - кандидaт архитектуры, начальник oтдeлa Xoзрасчeтнoй организaции "Центp гpадостpoитeльствa и архитeктуры" главногo упрaвления грaдoстpoительcтва,
apхитеkтуры и дизайнa гоpодсkoй cрeды Kиевcкой горгоcадминистрации. Имеет опыт pаботы в Главном упpaвлeнии гpaдoстpоительствa, apxитектуры и дизайнa гoрoдcкой cpeды.
Елена Суkманoвa – k.ю.н, адвokaт, известный юриcт, директоp юридическoй фиpмы «Элит Консалтинг».
Галинa Юровская – судья Aпeлляционнoгo cуда Киевсkoй oбласти.
Начало семинара: 10.00
Peгистрaция учаcтникoв: 9.30-10.00, ул. Михайловская, 1/3, 2 этaж, ст. М. "Mайдaн Незалежноcти".
УЧАСTИE B СЕMИНAPЕ: 730.00 грн. - за одного участниkа.
В стоимость вxодит:
инфopмационно-консультaционное обcлуживaние на cеминаре, сборник матepиaлoв, kофе-брeйk, обед в рeстopане, обcуждeниe доkладов и обмeн мнениями с лектoрoм.
I don't know exactly if it is a russian spam but is similar to this web:
It is the same phone.
From NotJunk (toisnhf@tunhufgs.ke):
About this site:
een zware verantwoordelijkheid. ,,Ik bericht over het lijden van Afrika.
Het leed van Afrika ligt helaas nog altijd voor het opscheppen. Het gesprek komt op de massale uittocht van tienduizenden desperado’s, die op zoek naar een betere toekomst vanuit Senegal in gammele bootjes de levensgevaarlijke oversteek naar de Canarische Eilanden wagen.
Het zijn taferelen die Abderrahmane Sissako naar de keel grijpen. ,,In vergelijking met een paar jaar geleden zijn er honderd keer zo veel op drift. Er zijn muren rond de oceaan gebouwd, waardoor mensen niet meer vanuit Tanger naar de zuidkust van Spanje kunnen varen. De tocht duurt nu acht dagen. Velen komen om: het staat gelijk aan zelfmoord.’’
Zijn laatste film Bamako staat niet los van de actuele tragedie. ,,De jongeren van twintig die nu vluchten zijn slachtoffer van een politiek, die Afrika afgelopen 25 jaar steeds armer heeft gemaakt. Dat onrecht is niet los te zien van de rol die het Internationaal Monetair Fonds en de Wereldbank daar spelen.’’
In Bamako gebeurt wat veel Afrikanen hopen. Uit naam van de Afrikaanse burger worden IMF en Wereldbank voor het gerecht gedaagd. Daar is op morele gronden alle reden toe, zegt Sissako, die opgroeide in Mali maar tegenwoordig in Parijs woont. ,,Onder het mom van hulp worden Afrikaanse landen tot grote bezuinigingen gedwongen. Kenia geeft drie keer zo veel uit aan de afbetaling van schulden als aan onderwijs en gezondheidszorg.’’
Sissako verpakt zijn boodschap in een even subtiele als poëtische vertelling. De rechtzaak vindt plaats op een stoffige binnenplaats in de hoofdstad van Mali. Tussen de toga’s scharrelen de kippen en een behaagzieke zangeres leidt de rechtbank af.
De advocaat van het IMF en de Wereldbank betoogt in de film dat het wel erg gemakkelijk is zijn cliënten de schuld te geven van al het leed van Afrika. ,,Vroeger was Afrika toch ook arm? En wat te denken van de corruptie? En de teruglopende visvangst? En de goedkope Chinese katoen die Afrika dwars zit? Allemaal de schuld van het IMF?’’
Sissako is niet bang dat zijn genuanceerde aanpak de boodschap ondermijnt: ,,Ik wil niet simplificeren. Net als popzanger Bono vraag ik aandacht voor deze grove onrechtvaardigheid. Dat helpt niet direct, maar ik ben optimistisch. Al zijn er vele Bono’s nodig om Afrika van deze wurgende schuldenlast te bevrijden.’’
Bamako van Abderrahmane Sissako is te zien op het Film F estival Rotterdam.
HighEnd-RölexReplicäshttp://ceremiss.org <---SimplyCopyAndPaste TheSite intoYourBrowser
About this site:
Name:Brad . Wymore
Street1:5501 Park Ave
City:Garden Grove
Postal Code:92845
IMMACULATE IBIZA MUSICis an independent music label established in Ibiza, Spain, since 2003. Specialized in music production such as World Music, Chill-Out (¨The Eivissa
Immaculada Project¨, ¨Spirit of Las Dalias¨) House & Electro ( ¨Solar Sides¨ ) and Balearic Sound (¨Spirit of Las Salinas Beach¨).
Immaculate Ibiza offers the visitors of the island a unique and refined Class A product, 100% made in Ibiza. With their exclusively designed and very attractive packaging,
our products represent a « must have » for the most demanding customers and collectors.
All products of our Label are presented in our exclusive "Plexicase" design pack, weight 200gr, magnetic closing, double vinyl CD (black on both sides), high quality
printing. An item which in itself represents a high market value in addition to the artistic value of the CD’s content.
We also release the brand new customized Apple iPod Nano 2GB as the exclusive Solar Sides Ipod and the ¨Las Dalias¨ iPod. These customized iPods have the entire Immaculate
Ibiza Music catalogue already loaded including more than 100 songs.
Please visit our website for more information
About this site:
esteban lucci (SROW-93502)
abad y lasierra 49 3 pt1
07800 ES
+34 654837473
A very strange spam message... to buy some chill-out cd.
montmanhattan.org - windows vista
From tuck vivian <zitellalars@veganfood.com> :
it seems new Windows's version is growing spam attacks...
About this site:
The most comprehensive edition of Windows Vista, Vista Business Upgrade (DVD-ROM) is the first operating system that combines all of the advanced infrastructure features of a business-focused operating system, all of the management and efficiency features of a mobility-focused operating system, and all of the digital entertainment features of a consumer-focused operating system. For the person who wants one operating system that is great for working from home, working on the road, and for entertainment, Vista Business is a no-compromise operating system that lets you have it all. Windows Vista Business contains a number of new features, the most notable of which are: Windows Vista Business combines all the features of a business-focused operating system, all the efficiency features of a mobility-focused operating system, and all of the digital entertainment features of a consumer-focused operating system; Remotely connect to business networks; Windows BitLocker Drive Encrypti
on provides improved levels of protection against theft for your important business data whether you are at home, on the road, or in the office; Delivers all of the entertainment features available in Vista Home Premium; includes everything you need to enjoy the latest in digital photography, music, movies, analog TV, or even HDTV; Upgrade from your current edition of Microsoft Windows XP or Windows 2000 (including Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Media Center, Windows XP Tablet PC, Windows XP Professional x64, Windows 2000)
Windows Vista Business Upgrade (DVD-ROM)
Retail Price $299.00
Our Price $79.95
You save $219.05
Please note, that there will be more special offers available for our constant customers. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information contained herein. DS Team makes no warranty expressed or implied with respect to accuracy of the information, including price, product editorials or product specifications. Product and manufacturer names are used only for the purpose of identification. We appreciate your cooperation with us and we'll be glad to see you as our clients in the future
it seems new Windows's version is growing spam attacks...
About this site:
Name:Manny Pull
Street:1u second st
Postal Code:B-1050
From pat joel <pat.joel31@hotmail.com>:
Senior Staff In File Department,
African Development Bank A.D.B
Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso
West Africa.
This is my private e mail patrick_joel001@yahoo.fr
Private Number......00226 76 04 22 77.
PLANE CRASH WEB SITE http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/12/26/benin.crash/index.html
Compliment Of The Season,
On a very good day. I am (PATRICK JOEL) a senior
staff in file department in African developent bank (ADB).I got your
contact through google search.
When i was searching for a foreign partner i assured of your capability and reliability to champion this businees opportunity when i prayed to God or Allah about you.In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of $ 15 million U.S.A dollars ( fifteen million U.S.A dollars) . In an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer who died along with his entire family in (friday december 26,2003 ) in a plane crash. Since we got information about his death,
we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines, but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that I and one official in my department now decided to make this businness proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and we dont want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.
The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remained unclamed after five years, the money will be transfered into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner, and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. We agree that 30 % of this money will be for you as foreign partner, in respect to the provision of a foreign account, 10 % will be set aside for expenses incured during the business and 60 % would be for;me and my woman colleague. There after I and my colleague will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated.
Therefore to enable the immediate trnansfer of this fund to you as
arranged, you must apply first to the bank as relations or next of kin of the deceased indicating your bank name, your bank account number, your private telephone and fax number for easy and effective communication and location where the money will be remitted.Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of the application I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch free and that you should not entertain any atom of fear as all required arrangements have been made for the transfer.
You should contact me on my number 00226 76 04 22 77.immediately as soon
as you receive this letter. reply me with this e mail address patrick_joel001@yahoo.fr immediately.
Yours faithfully,
POST SCRITUM:You have to keep everything secret as to enable the transfer to move very smoothly in to the account you will prove to the bank.As you finished reading this letter call me immediately so that we discuss very well over this business.Please call me and inform me that you received my mail, because i don't go to net always.
From improve Would <vvhxcefkw@conagrafoods.com> :
This page has an iframe from http://testsrv1.prestart.bestdnsservice.ru/eu1/index.html
About this site:
Site's description:
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This page has an iframe from http://testsrv1.prestart.bestdnsservice.ru/eu1/index.html
About this site:
Name: Sergey Ivanov
Organization: Personal Domens
Address: Russia, Mikhailova st, 22-22
City: Moscow
Postal Code: 109456
Country: Russian Federation
Country Code: RU
Phone Number: +74.955184040
Email: maddreams2005@yandex.ru
Site's description:
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From Jeanine <Tristan@iwon.com>
how money??? this is my question.
About this site:
We have reviewed your resume on Careerbuilder and would like to consider you
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its headquarters in Geneva, is the Swiss watch industry's active trade
association. We are a private, professional association, representing Swiss
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providing get in business solutions for the individuals and organizations
are interested in developing and promoting the Swiss watch industry.
We are now seeking administrative/sales support assistants to work at the
convenience of their home, part-time. In the attachments you will find the
agreement with a detailed job description. If you are interested in this
period, which will last for two months, during which you will receive
salary, and commission, please see the attached agreement. Upon successful
completion of the trial period you may receive a contract and continue
with TSM, change from part-time to full-time or continue working part-time.
Please read carefully the trial period agreement, complete, sign, and
back to us either via email to Alessia.Bianchi@tsmcareers.com or by fax: +
41-22-594-8438 (Geneva, Switzerland).
For the commencement date, please choose any date that is convenient for you
during the month of February. If you have any questions please email
Thank You,
TSM Group
how money??? this is my question.
About this site:
Day trader
Irina Valer'jevna (irinaabramwest@shobiddekmail.ru)
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From Jamin Haris <konda@backweb.com> :
About this site:
arnette gibson
4271 Nw 5th
Plantation, FL 33317
Another web with similar design:
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Good day,
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stomach as he looked out of the window at the Hedwig-free sky.
Come and have a game of Quidditch in the orchard, Harry said Ron.
Come on three on three, Bill and Charlie and Fred and George will
About this site:
arnette gibson
4271 Nw 5th
Plantation, FL 33317
Another web with similar design:
outswimbi.com, rabietichb.com, 22rx.com, 33rx.com, 44rx.com,todrx.com,rx555.com,abcpill.com,lodrx.com,progenyid.com, progenyid.com,vodrx.com
China Biolife CBFE.PK attacks now

China biolife has a long spam history,. Now, they gring us another spam technique: add icons from incredimail to appears more realistic mail... or to pass the anti-spam filters...
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From scott simms sctty8@excite.com
Website without any e-mail.
About this domain:
Get a watch online cause it’s very fine. Get a Replica Classics watch.
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Website without any e-mail.
About this domain:
315 Zion St
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Noisy image to this pharmacy online...
they said on their website:
Our Pharmacy conducts a strict anti-spam policy. We do not tolerate unsolicited advertising e-mails. We are actively chasing anyone who is engaged in spamming activities! This includes email, ICQ, instant messengers, chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups or anything else where commercial postings are forbidden. We take appropriate actions against spammers that will result in loss of services and accounts closure.
We are fully committed to dealing with spammers. Our Pharmacy keeps and holds all the data on spam offenders that we share with anti-spamming organizations and agencies. Please give us know, if you have received undesirable advertising that you think was sent by our Pharmacy services users. You can inform about the incident our anti-spam department via forwarding us the offending material copy.
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