
Heins Heritage Inc.

We need representatives in Germany for full and part-time jobs (2 positions are available). We do not ask for any money, we are reputable company.

You will get:

- 3000 EUR guaranteed monthly income

- Comprehensive medical and life insurance for you and your dependents. You

will be receiving an Heins Heritage Inc. Medicine card and all the paperwork in

2 weeks after successfully completing your probation period.


You have to be honest,loyal, responsible and hard-working.

You have to comply with all reasonable and lawful instructions provided to

you by our company.

You need 5-7 hours during the week for communication (part-time); 4-5 hours a day (full-time).

Residential address to receive correspondence (if any).

Computer w/internet connection.

Please, reply to support at heinsheritage.com if you are interested and I will send you job details.